
Wednesday 29 November 2017

Edmund Hillary School
1 Hunua Rd
Wednesday 29 November 2017

Thank you Frucor for giving us your free time at the fun day on Wednesday. I liked the yummy food was the hamburger. I liked making paper planes and flying them. I liked post it art. Thank you Frucor
Yours sincerely


KPMG thand you card

Edmund Hillary School
1 Hunua Rd
Wednesday 29 November 2017

Thank you KPMG for giving us your free time at the fun day on Friday. I liked the yummy food. My favourite one was the fruit and marshmallows on a stick. I like the face painting and the hand printing. I liked playing basketball in room 10 and playing bingo. I liked playing Pukana in the hall and tug of war after lunch.

Yours sincerely


Monday 13 November 2017

Inference task: Look at these pictures and answer the questions using the clues in the story: Where do you think these kids are? How do you know? I think they might be at a beach because they are digging in the sand.. What do you think has happened here? How do you know? I think it was a tsunami or a flood because there was a lot of water and the house was tipped over Why are these animals hanging around this building? How do you know? I think It might be dry and there might be food in the crack because one of them is smelling in the crack and they are all grouped together. Read the stories and answer the questions using the clues in the story: Gloria was driving around the neighborhood in her pajamas. Every block or so she'd stop the car, hold her head out of the door, whistle, and call out "Candy! Candy! Come here girl!" Then she'd start the car again and slowly drive another block or two, looking around from left to right. Curtis sat in the passenger seat. He was looking around too, but he held his head low. "How many times have I told you to make sure that you shut and lock the door after you come in?" Gloria said, Curtis sighed. He felt bad enough without her telling him off. Who is Candy and what are Gloria and Curtis doing? How do you know? Candy is a dog and Gloria and Curtis are looking for her. Because Gloria and Curtis are calling her and driving around . How did Candy get out? How do you know? She got out the door. Because Gloria said that Curtis left the door open Why does Curtis feel bad? How do you know Because he let the dog out. Because he held his head low and sighed. 2. Justin came running down the stairs wearing his Ninja Turtle pajamas. He did a karate kick off the last step and shouted "Kiya!" He slipped on the floor and almost fell as he landed, which didn't stop him from continuing to practice his Ninja Turtle strikes on his way to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth with his Ninja Turtle toothbrush and rinsed his mouth out with water from a Ninja Turtle cup. "Muuum, Daaaaad! It's time to open my present!" After his parents came downstairs and poured themselves coffee, Justin began to open his present. His fingers were tense with excitement. Then they were still. It was six pairs of plain white socks. Justin checked in the box for something else. There was nothing. He looked at his parents and said, "Oh, socks. Just what I needed. Thank you so much," and then he sighed. Is Justin happy with the socks? No What present would have made Justin happy? How do you know? Ninja turtle socks so he can slide around all over the floor What is Justin celebrating? How do you know? It might be his birthday because he is opening presents